
Durham County Council - Living in the area

Whatever your goals, the world class Durham University offers courses in a huge number of subjects and levels, and complements our high performing schools and colleges.

If you need a break from the hustle and bustle, discovering the county’s unique history and dramatic hills and valleys helps recharge the batteries. Exploring our castles, countryside and coastline gives a taste of our history at the centre of Christianity in Britain. The 1,000 year old Durham Cathedral is thought by many to be the most beautiful in the world, and is home to the remains of St Cuthbert - one of England’s most revered saints.

While celebrating the past, the county also looks to the future. The NetPark science and technology park is breaking new ground as its fast-growing hi-tech companies lead the way in plastic electronics, photonics and nanotechnology.
Get In Touch
Durham County Council
County Hall
0191 383 3000