Consett Academy - Equality and diversity
The Academy is committed to policies and practices based on the principles of equality and diversity for our learners, service users and employees and this commitment is a fundamental part of the Academy's Vision and Values.
We draw both staff and students from a wide range of backgrounds. Our educational provision, services and partnerships provide opportunities for people with an equally wide range of abilities and aspirations. Against that background, our commitment is demonstrated through our Single Equality Scheme which focuses on the key areas of our service delivery, employment practices and our working practices to meet the needs of students, staff and other stakeholders.
Our vision for the Academy is to be a place where learning and working exists in an environment that advances equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and allows everyone to achieve to their fullest potential. The Academy is opposed to any form of discrimination and we will ensure that our practices are legal and accessible and fair to all learners, service users and employees.
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